Are deals being made? Let's hope so! Via NYTimes
“The last time I talked to Al Gore was last week,” Senator Barack Obama said today, speaking to reporters as he flew from Chicago to Washington.
That morsel of information was buried near the end of a question-and-answer session. Asked if he would divulge what they talked about, Mr. Obama smiled and simply said, “No.”
It’s been awhile since Mr. Gore’s name has come up in the context of the prolonged Democratic presidential contest. While people close to the former vice president say he has been following the race closely, he has given no signals that he is willing to step into the battle between Mr. Obama and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.
And how about John Edwards?
Mr. Obama said he had spoken to him “within the last two weeks.” Asked if he was expecting anything from Mr. Edwards, Mr. Obama replied, “Some good advice.”
But back to the phone call between Mr. Obama and Mr. Gore. Does it hold greater meaning or was it just a routine course of business? Full Article
Friday, March 14, 2008
Obama Chats with Gore and Edwards
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Obama Antichrist Email Smear
Geez, people will stoop to any low eh?
via Huffington Post - You knew the viral smear emails were headed this way, and a reader sends it along, courtesy of a relative in Syracuse: One of the standard anti-Obama emails in circulation, but with a top added to go the extra half-yard, and actually assert that Obama is ... wait for it ... the Antichrist.
Obama 'Frightens Me'. The Bible has warned us that 'A man will come from the East that will be charismatic in nature and have proposed solutions for all our problems and his rhetoric will attract many supporters!'
When will our pathetic Nation quit turning their back on God and understand that this man is 'A Muslim'....First, Last and always....and we are AT WAR with the Muslim Nation, whether our bleeding-heart, secular, Liberal friends believe it or not. This man fits every description from the Bible of the 'Anti-Christ'!
It's 3AM, Where's Your New Yorker?
We received the latest New Yorker in the mail yesterday and the cover is fantastic. The Saturday Night Live skit was great, but I think this beats it to the punch, or the phone.
Ed Norton Making Obama Documentary
Edward Norton and his Class 5 Films are prepping to shop a feature documentary about the historic presidential campaign mounted by Sen. Barack Obama.
Class 5 has engaged Endeavor partner Ari Emanuel and lawyer Andrew Hurwitz to make a distribution deal for a film the company is producing for release in 2009. Doc has financing in place from Good, Green Film Co. and Citi Prods.
Amy Rice and Alicia Sams are directing the as-yet-untitled pic. They began shooting footage before Obama’s declaration of candidacy to become the Democratic Party’s 2008 presidential nominee. Emanuel, who guided the sales of Sacha Baron Cohen’s pseudo-docs "Borat" and "Bruno," and the Michael Moore docs "Sicko" and "Fahrenheit 9/11," has been an outspoken supporter of Obama. The brother of Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) has organized meet-and-greets in Hollywood and hosted fund-raisers for Obama. Norton, a longtime Endeavor client, has also been a supporter, reportedly donating to Obama’s campaigns.
Norton said the motivation behind the film was not to glorify its subject. Its genesis came during a chat between Norton, his Class 5 partners Bill Migliore and Stuart Blumberg and the directors right after Obama raised his national profile with a memorable speech during the Democratic National Convention in 2004.
"We were all so struck by Barack’s speech and talked about how exciting it was to see someone from our generation, not our parents’, make his presence felt in such an inspiring way," Norton told Daily Variety. "It was akin to the way I remembered my dad describing how he felt when Kennedy gave his inauguration speech.
Norton said the filmmakers will follow Obama through the duration of his White House run, so it’s difficult to set a timetable or budget tag at this point.Latest Delegate Count - Obama 1411
Via Obama is ahead by 161 delegates (including Wyoming and Mississippi) with 10 contests to go!
Click image to enlarge.
Caucus win gives Obama more Texas delegates than Clinton
(CNN) — Illinois Sen. Barack Obama has won the Texas Democratic caucuses and will get more delegates out of the state than his rival, Sen. Hillary Clinton, who won the state's primary, according to CNN estimates.
Under the Texas Democratic Party's complex delegate selection plan, Texas voters participated in both a primary and caucuses on March 4. Two-thirds of the state's 193 delegates were at stake at the primary, while the remaining third were decided by the caucuses.
An additional 35 superdelegates were not tied to either contest. Clinton, of New York, defeated Obama in the primary by a 51-47 percent margin. But results of the caucuses were up in the air on election night and for several days afterward, due to state party rules that did not require local caucus officials to report their results to a centralized location. Full Article
Obama's Vice President Running Mate?
Here is a great conversation about various Vice Presidential candidates in case Obama wins the nomination.
"March 13, 2008 — As the race for the Democratic nomination draws nearer to the end, many pundits have begun to ask how the choice of a vice president might help to repair the damage inflicted on the Party as a result of the long contest.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Latest Popular Vote Numbers: Obama Leads
Looks like Obama has all leads, including Florida and Michigan and most others.
Popular Vote Total | - | 13,278,372 | 49.5% | 12,576,210 | 46.9% | Obama +702,162 | +2.6% | ||||
Popular Vote (w/FL) | - | 13,854,586 | 48.5% | 13,447,196 | 47.1% | Obama +407,390 | +1.4% | ||||
Popular Vote (w/FL & MI)* | - | 13,854,586 | 47.5% | 13,775,505 | 47.3% | Obama +79,081 | +0.2% |
O-YEAH! The O-Bama Face: The New "O Face"
via Huffington Post:
At a Mississippi rally on Monday, where Senator Obama addressed Senator Clinton's suggestive remarks regarding a possible VP slot awaiting him, we couldn't help but notice the very...enthusiastic...young lady sitting right behind him. And we get it, we really do. Poetry is HOT. So we went ahead and coined a new term:
The O-Bama Face (n.): the expression made by an Obama supporter when the inspired oration and possibility of a Commander In Chief Obama becomes just too much to take.
If you've been living under a rock for the last nine years, you may be asking, what the heck is an "O Face"? We're here to help.
1. O Face
a term used in the movie Office Space to describe the face one makes when achieving orgasm.ex. "I'm gonna be showing her my O face."
Watch the scene here:
Incidentally, the "O-bama Face" isn't the only O word to recently enter the lexicon. Introducing the brand-spanking-new..."Obamaed"!:
But will it mean:
Q: Did you hear about the new candidate running a positive and hopeful campaign that departs from Boomer-era partisanship and divisiveness? A: Yeah, why bother. He's gonna get Obamaed anyway.
Q: Did you hear about the new candidate running a partisan and divisive Boomer-era campaign? A: Yeah, why bother. He's gonna get Obamaed anyway.
Find out at
A Message from Barack Obama
It's tough to think of two states more different than Wyoming and Mississippi.
But we won Wyoming on Saturday, and we just learned that we won Mississippi by a large margin tonight.
Between those two states, we picked up enough delegates to erase the gains by Senator Clinton last Tuesday and add to our substantial lead in earned delegates. And in doing so we showed the strength and breadth of this movement.
But just turn on the news and you'll see that Senator Clinton continues to run an expensive, negative campaign against us. Each day her campaign launches a new set of desperate attacks.
They're not just attacking me; they're attacking you.
Over the weekend, an aide to Senator Clinton attempted to diminish the overwhelming number of contests we've won by referring to places we've prevailed as "boutique" states and our supporters as the "latte-sipping crowd."
I'm not sure how those terms apply to Mississippi and Wyoming -- or Virginia, Iowa, Louisiana, or Idaho for that matter.
I know that our victories in all of these states demonstrate a rejection of this kind of petty, divisive campaigning.
But the fact remains that Senator Clinton's campaign will continue to attack us using the same old Washington playbook. And now that John McCain is the Republican nominee, we are forced to campaign on two fronts
Thank you,
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Ann Coulter Supports Hillary
March 5, 2008
The mainstream media said she was finished, but our brave Hillary soldiered on to wallop B. Hussein Obama in Ohio, Texas and Rhode Island Tuesday night. I don't know what the MSM is so upset about– we let them pick the Republican nominee. Did they want to pick the Democratic nominee, too?
Not only that, but after some toothsome appearances on various madcap comedy shows this past week — "Saturday Night Live," "Late Night With David Letterman," "Hardball With Chris Matthews" — Hillary's "likability" quotient is soaring! According to the latest CNN/CBS News poll, she's just been upgraded from "Utterly Loathsome" to "Execrable."
The percentage of registered voters who would rather disembowel themselves with a wooden spoon than vote for Hillary has just slipped below the magical 50 percent mark. We're surging, Hillary! If you want to be even more likable, you should go on "The View." Next to those four harpies, you seem almost agreeable.
Now that Hillary has won three primaries in a row, it's time for Obama to do the classy thing and withdraw from the race. (Obama won Vermont, but that was earlier in the day. Exit polls indicate he took the black vote. Literally. There was just the one.)
Imagine how proud Michelle Obama would be of her country if that happened! But Obama probably won't do the classy thing, despite claiming to be a "new" kind of politician and rejecting the politics of division.
If Hillary is serious about becoming president, she's got to make some changes. I say this as a Hillary supporter and strong opponent of divorce. Hillary: You've got to divorce Bill. You've already fired one campaign manager. Now it's time to get rid of your No. 1 buzz-killer.
Not only is the media's group-lie about Bill Clinton being a "rock star" over, but — one can hope — the use of the excruciatingly stupid phrase "rock star" to refer to wonky politicians is over. It's become such a cliche that music critics have begun referring to actual rock stars as "leading Democratic contenders."
Liberals believe, often accurately, that if they say the same thing over and over again 1 billion times, people will believe it: "Bush lied, kids died," "We've lost in Iraq," "Reagan is stupid," "Bush is stupid," "Republicans are stupid," "Global warming is destroying the planet," "Gloria Steinem is good-looking" and — their most provably false assertion — "Bill Clinton is the most talented politician of his generation."
In a period of just a few short months last year, "news" articles in The New York Times cooed — I mean "said" — the following about Bill Clinton:
– "Elvis is here, Clinton version. Having Bill Clinton campaign for you, as Mr. Ford learns, is a mixed blessing. You are bolstered standing next to this outsized Democrat, but still seem puny by comparison."
– "Mr. Clinton is one Oscar-worthy supporting actor who can sometimes upstage his leading lady simply by breathing."
– "Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has been trying to capture Bill Clinton's old political magic and lay claim to his legacy and popularity."
– Tony Blair's charisma "ranks second only to Bill Clinton's."
Not to be a stickler, but Bill Clinton is the guy who could never get as much as 50 percent of the country to vote for him. And that was in two presidential elections that the Republicans basically sat out (as they are doing this year).
It was also in elections held before the country realized "Elvis" Clinton was molesting the help. If Bill Clinton is the Democrats' idea of Elvis, somebody should tell them he's playing to half-empty houses.
Besides the joy liberals take in lying generally, they have massive Reagan envy. Despite having informed us the requisite 1 billion times that Reagan was a dunce, Americans adored him, and still do.
Democrats wanted one of their presidents to be adored, too — and not just for being assassinated. But they only seemed able to produce laughable incompetents like Jimmy Carter.
So no matter how preposterous it was, liberals just kept telling us that the chubby kid with the big red nose whose greatest moment on the football field involved a wind instrument was "Elvis." According to Nexis, that appellation has been applied to Clinton approximately 1,000 times. In print, that is. There's no telling how many drunken cocktail waitresses have whispered it in Clinton's ear during late-night elevator assignations.
You can stop lying for the voters now, Hillary. This is me, Ann Coulter, your supporter.
This charade of a marriage has gone on long enough. Even if you were stupid enough to marry him back in the '70s, Bill is just so over, girlfriend. He can't even get Holiday Inn cocktail waitresses anymore. Last I heard, he was hitting on the Motel 6 housekeeping staff.
You're too good for him, Hillary. Obama has now denounced and rejected Louis Farrakhan. It's time for you to denounce and reject Bill Clinton.
Obama excites voters by offering to be the first black president. You've got a chance to make history by becoming the first divorcee to win the White House.
---Ann Coulter
Hillary Clinton Press Team: We Don't Think of Barack Obama as Black
Another Satirical Video from the 23/6 campaign. These tend to be funny but the satirical nature of them is sometimes too much. They are trying to become Onion competition but aren't anywhere near The Onion. Strong, Colorful......geez.
VIDEO HERE (hope to find an embedded version soon)
Original Text and Video
Obama Says Knock You Out Tee
Obama Says Knock You Out Tee
Don't call it a comeback, he's been here for years! Soft cotton tee with Obama graphic at the front. Made in the USA. Machine wash.
* Regular fit
* 29"l from shoulder to hem
* Fits true to size
* Cotton
Barack Obama - Profile by The Onion
Pro-hopes, also supports dreams
Favorite Way To Mollify Supporters:
Nodding solemnly while gripping podium
Political Experience:
(2005–) Junior Senator from Illinois. Working directly under Senior Senator Richard Durbin himself, duties included fact-checking and copyediting the 2006 highway appropriations amendment bill. Member, Illinois State Senate (1997-2004)
Difficulty Catching A Cab:
Personal Best For Getting Digits:
32 seconds
Odds Of Pop-Locking During Inauguration:
1 in 12
Clinton will lose a Superdelegate in Spitzer
via USA Today
NBC News' First Read blog notes that New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer -- who has been accused of meeting with a prostitute -- is a "super delegate" for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton at next summer's Democratic National Convention.
"Should Spitzer resign," First Read reports, "the number of super delegates will simply be subtracted by one, since there's no provision in New York for a lieutenant governor to be replaced until the next election."
The state's lieutenant governor, David Paterson, is also a Clinton super delegate.
Obama Favored in Mississippi Today
Obama should win Mississippi today and Republicans are denying claims that Mississippi could swing to the Democrats in the general election if Obama wins today . Let's hope so.
Obama was favored to win in Tuesday's nominating race in Mississippi, a southern state where blacks—who have carried him to wins previously—make up a majority of the Democratic voters. The first senator trounced Clinton in Saturday's Wyoming caucuses, rebounding from earlier setbacks in a win that allowed him to retain his all- important delegate lead in his quest to becoming the U.S.'s first black president
Monday, March 10, 2008
Obama Again Rebukes Vice President Dream Ticket Comments
via Politico
COLUMBUS, Miss -- Sen. Barack Obama delivered an animated rebuke today of suggestions from the Clintons in recent days that he could run as her vice president.
“Now first of all with all due respect, with all due respect," he said here during a town hall meeting. "I won twice as many states as Sen. Clinton. I won more of the popular vote than Sen. Clinton. I have more delegates than Sen. Clinton. So I don’t’ know how someone in second place can offer the vice presidency to someone in first place. If I was in second place I could understand but I am in first place right now.
He referenced comments from Bill Clinton in 1992 that his “most important criteria” for vice president was that person must be ready to be commander in chief.
“They have been spending the last two or three weeks” arguing that he is not ready to be commander in chief, Obama said.
“I don’t understand. If I am not ready, how is it that you think I should be such a great vice president?” Obama asked the crowd, which gave him a standing ovation during his defense. “I don’t understand.”
“You can’t say he is not ready on day one, then you want him to be your vice president,” Obama continued. “I just want everybody to absolutely clear: I am not running for vice president. I am running to be president of the United States of America.”
Clinton 3AM Video Girl Casey Knowles Supports Obama
Casey Knowles, the little girl in Hillary’s 3 am ad is supporting Obama. Hillary’s campaign used 8 year old stock footage and now the girl has grown up to be a young woman who will be able to vote in November. She was a precinct captain for Obama in a recent caucus.
Stock footage of an 8-year-old Knowles sleeping – shot when she worked as an extra in TV commercials — was used in Clinton’s “red phone” ad, which asked “Who do you want answering the phone at 3 a.m.?” in the case of a foreign policy crisis.
But the high-school senior – who will be eligible to vote in the general election – is actually a passionate supporter of Barack Obama’s, and has been volunteering for the Illinois senator’s campaign.
“I think it would be wonderful if Barack Obama and I could get together and do a counter-ad,” she told CNN Saturday.
Full Story
More Video via CNN
Sunday, March 9, 2008
President Obama SNL 3am Phone Call Video 3/8/08
Hillary Clinton gets a late night phone call from President Obama at 3AM. Saturday Night Live Opening Skit 3/8/08.
Mr President Obama Saturday Night Live Skit 2/8/08
For the fourth show in a row, Saturday Night Live opened with a 2008 election skit. This time it was a spoof of the now infamous and overplayed ad that Hillary released a couple of weeks ago. The ad included a reference to 3AM and children sleeping. You know the ad I'm sure. SNL did a parody of the ad with Obama as Mr. President calling Hillary at 3AM to ask her advice. The skit was not live action and only showed various stills of both actors Armisen and Poehler in funny positions/expressions relative to the dialogue that was dubbed over the images. The short revolved around "experience" and the fact that Obama didn't have much and Clinton did, including how to turn the heat down in the White House. Apparently, the presidential job had caused Obama so much stress he had taken up smoking again, although he denied don't lie...
A very funny skit and I'll have video up as soon as it is available. VIDEO HERE
Fred Armisen on playing Obama on SNL
And thank you for reading this. See you next week!