Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton address united democrats from Unity, New Hampshire - where each received exactly 107 votes in the New Hampshire Primary.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Obama Clinton Unite for Change Video
Barack Obama Autograph
How much would you pay for Obama or Hillary's autograph?
Obama Clinton Back Together - Unity
Obama Clinton 2008?
Could still happen.
"She rocks. She rocks. That’s the point I’m trying to make," he said in response to a shout from the crowd. Later, Obama said, "I still don’t know how she does it in heels."
Ben Smith at Politico has more.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Send Barack Your Baby
Change, One Baby Kiss at a Time
Viral websites keep coming, today brings us - Send Barack Your Baby.
Three simple steps -
1. Package and ship your baby in a well-padded box
2. When your baby arrives, Barack will give it your choice of a kiss, a huge or hope....
3. Your happy baby returns in about 14 business days.
Easy as can be. Application below.
"Barack Obama travels a lot, but many babies live in places he hasn’t been. That’s why he’s now accepting babies by mail. Send him your baby, and he’ll kiss it and send it back to you."
There's even a photo gallery of babies that Barack has kissed, hugged and hoped for...
Colin Powell to Endorse Obama?
As mentioned previously about all the rats jumping ship and the possibility of Colin Powell voting for Obama it looks like it will be true. Robert Novak reports that "Powell probably will enter Obama's camp at a time of his own choosing."
Things More Muslim Than Obama
On the heels of Stuff White People Like comes a new site called More Muslim Than Obama. Quite funny.
Adam Sandler is more Muslim than Obama
from the site -
It's not a bad thing to be a Muslim. Just like it isn't a bad thing to be a Christian, a Jew, a Buddhist, etc. This site is about poking fun at bigotry and ignorance and dumb ideas like thinking that all terrorists are Muslim and all Muslims are terrorists, or that the United States should be a "Christian nation." Check out to find out the truth about claims that Obama is a Muslim.
Obama Action Figure
.....because every superhero should have one.
* The Obama Action Figure is 6" tall.
* He has eight points of articulation. Pose him presidentially!
* Packaged in a window box which includes original Obama illustration art.
* For every Obama Action Figure we sell online, we'll be donating one dollar to his campaign. (Until we max out).
*This product is not formally endorsed by or affiliated with Barack Obama or the Obama Campaign.
Barack Obama is Dr. No - Bond Villain Video
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
George Lucas Touts Obama Star Wars Jedi
George Lucas somewhat dodged questions about Bush and Cheney's nicknames and character comparisons to Star Wars...but...
Lucas did, however, have one definitive answer: Barack Obama would most certainly be a Jedi. “I would say that’s reasonably obvious,” he said.
Cowerding? Not Obama!
"It was not all about pop culture. When Mr. Wenner asked how Mr. Obama might respond to harsh attacks from Republicans, suggesting that Democrats have "cowered" in the past, Mr. Obama replied, "Yeah, I don’t do cowering."
via Kos diarist mobilio316
Rolling Stone interview
Obama's iPod - Rolling Stone Takes a Peak
Rolling Stone takes a peak inside Barack Obama's iPod in the latest edition of the magazine and finds lots of Stevie Wonder, Bob Dylan, Yo Yo Ma, The Rolling Stones, Jay-Z and Bruce Spingsteen.
Audio from the Rolling Stones Cover Story HERE
I'm going to pick my copy up today.
Obama Gets India Hanuman Idol
As mentioned yesterday, India is gaga over Obama. Now there's word that they present Obama with a gold-plated Hanuman idol (photo above) and there will be a national 11-day prayer for him (photo below) and his success.
"Obama's representative Carolyn Sauvage-Mar on Tuesday received a gold-plated two-feet-high idol which she will pass it on to the Obama after it is sanctified.
The idol is being presented to Obama as he is reported to be a Lord Hanuman devotee and carries with him a locket of the monkey god along with other good luck charms."
Focus on the Family's Dr. James Dobson accuses Obama of `distorting' Bible
North Carolina Turning Blue Video
Can North Carolina go blue in November?
Obama Fever Hits BET Awards
OBAMA OR DIE?The celebrities were out last night at the BET Music Awards and most were chanting one mantra or another for Barack Obama!
"If we all register and vote, we will have the first black president in the history of America," Sean "Diddy" Combs told the crowd Tuesday at the Shrine Auditorium before chanting "Obama or Die" - a declarative remix of his neutral "Vote or Die" motto from the 2004 presidential election, when he attempted to boost the youth vote.
As she picked up her award for best female R&B artist, Alicia Keys told the crowd that it's time for black people to erase the word "can't" from their vocabulary. YES WE CAN! She stated....
One attendee used fashion to show her support for Obama. Actress-comedian Kym Whitley, who revealed she'll be appearing in a small role in the upcoming "Transformers" sequel, donned a tight purple shirt that read 'Barack Obama 08' in glittery black letters. "I don't know him, and he doesn't know me," she said. "But we're gonna make eye contact one day."
Longtime Obama supporter John Legend affirmed the importance of voting in the upcoming election: "I'll be working to make sure people get out to vote this fall."
"For the first time in history, we have the opportunity for somebody who's not in the good ol' boy network to get into office," rapper David Banner told reporters backstage.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Japan Obama Based E Mobile Cell Video - Racist?
Animal New York thinks so....changing Obama into a monkey to sell phones? Choose for yourself below...
Karl Rove Swipes at Obama
coolly arrogant?
"Even if you never met him, you know this guy. He's the guy at the country club with the beautiful date, holding a martini and a cigarette that stands against the wall and makes snide comments about everyone who passes by."
Political Punch has the full story. IS an Abomination
When looking into this article about how the neo-con abomination in America could come to be known as Obama Nation, I found the site which on the top of their site parallels Senator Barack Obama and a Ten Week Abortion.
The site is ran by Christians for Social Justice and their definition of Obama Nation is - "a country that supports wicked, immoral actions.
Various tabs indicate negative slandering towards race and abortion (and some that parallel the two). The site states that Obama's race or ethnicity aren't the reasons for their concern but his ethics (mostly on abortion).
This site is intense, but I think the major problem is their header graphic which is above and parallels, in imagery and text form, Obama and Abortion.
Contact them here.
US = Obama-nation
Not, not an abomination....OBAMA-NATION!The Times of India has a great write-up on the change in the United States, as viewed by other countries across the world. If McCain wins this may not be the case....but if Obama wins...?
"....people in the US are already talking about the neo-con 'abomination' transforming itself into a neo-confident 'Obama-nation'."
and we aren't talking this Christians for Social Justice Obama Nation
Artists for Obama: Antar Dayal Video
A behind-the-scenes video about the production of Antar Dayal's Artist for Obama print being produced at Continental Colorcraft. Buy print here.
Obama Meets with Bike Industry Leaders has a great write up of the meeting Obama had with the nation's leading bike promoters, including Greg Lemond, Leah Day, and others...
Now that Obama has his own spoke cards, has committed a big fashion faux pas on his bike, attended the Women's Little 500, and has a site dedicated to him being your new bicycle, he is part of the hip bicycle crowd.
"Bikes Belong, an umbrella organization representing the industry, had its executive director Tim Blumenthal divert a few days of his French bicycling vacation to spend the evening with Senator Obama and several members of his Bikes Belong board of directors, who were granted a private 20-minute meeting with the senator."
Twitter Presidential Debate
via NPR - "Andrew Rasiej, founder of the Personal Democracy Forum, a Web site that focuses on the intersection of politics and technology, talks about the Twitter debate between presidential hopefuls John McCain and Barack Obama. He also discusses the forum's upcoming conference."
Find Obama on Twitter HERE, a fake McCain Twitter HERE and maybe THIS is the real McCain one....More info on the debate HERE
Listen to the NPR story HERE
Monday, June 23, 2008
Obama: The New Hope Of Celebrity Magazines (?)
Gawker ponders whether the Obama's may help prop up celebrity magazine readership during the slow summer months (click through for a good compilation of recent Obama magazine covers). One wonders whether this can counter the bad news of certain publishing house's Marie Antoinette-ish tendencies.
The Field Negro Blog
More and More Obama blogs are popping up (giving more links on the web of citizen journalism about and for Obama).
The Field Negro is one of the newest to pop into our inbox, although it's not new on the web, it's new to us. Give it a read....
profile - "Raised in the house, but field certified. Jamaica is the land of my birth, but I consider myself a citizen of the world. I currently practice law in the city of brotherly love,(gotta make a living somehow) and I have written articles for The Philadelphia Daily News, USA Today,and the Philadelphia Tribune.Thank God for spell check!"
Michelle Obama Watch Website
Want to know how the media is treating Michelle Obama? Well, have we got the website for you. is a site that logs All Things Michelle Obama - Media Attacks, Videos and more are available for search and your viewing pleasure. (It has nothing to do with Fox's Obama Watch.) It's not the most beautiful site and just popped up a couple of weeks ago. It looks like to be a site that anyone can use and here is what their about section states:
"Michelle Obama Watch will become a repository of all of the criticism, praise, and general chicanery thrown at Michelle Obama between now and November. If Barack wins… well we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, but for right now, we are looking at a 5 month obligation. If it has anything to do with Michelle, it will be on Michelle Obama Watch."
Donatella Versace Dedicates Her Men’s Line to Barack Obama
Doing Barack Obama no favors to combat the elitist image, New York Magazine reports that Donatella Versace has dedicated her Spring 2009 men's line to the 'man of the moment'. Displaying hilarious classic fashion schizophrenia of attempting to appropriate cultural symbols while embodying their opposite, the show featured exactly two non-white models (of roughly 15 or 20) according to this blogger's review of the show on Black africans in fashion seem to be on the minds of many Italian designers as the July issue of Italian Vogue featured only black models for that issue.