Wouldn't This be Nice!!!
via TAP -
All the signs point to a blowout for Barack Obama in North Carolina.
More than 100,000 new voters have registered, including a surge of Democrats and African-Americans. Some 5,700 people showed up to see Michele Obama in Raleigh, twice the size of any crowd she’s had anywhere.
Most telling, Richard Moore and Bev Perdue are racing each other to get closest to Obama. Some Democrats think black turnout could be 40 percent of the primary electorate. Do the math: If Obama gets 90 percent of the black vote, he already has 36 percent of the total. If he gets just one third of the white vote, he will have 56 percent in the primary. And it could go higher.
He could win here by 20 points.
That would be the final blow for Hillary Clinton, especially if Pennsylvania is close. She would have to bow out once all the primaries and caucuses are over.
This dynamic probably helps Bev Perdue in the governor’s race – and Hampton Dellinger in the Lieutenant Governor’s race. Left out will be Governor Easley, who may endorse Clinton, and John and Elizabeth Edwards, who clearly are favoring Clinton now. The Edwards have praised her poverty plan and her health-care plan, and Elizabeth even welcomed an open convention.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Obama North Carolina Blowout - Gary Pearce Prediction
Time Magazine - Barack Obama's Mother
Time magazine has a lengthy story about Barack Obama's mother.
Article HERE
MP3 synopsis HERE (Right Click & Save As to Download)
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Wanna Bet? The Money's On Obama!
86 % chance to win!
(click for larger image)
Traders in the Dublin-based Intrade prediction market gave Democratic front-runner Barack Obama an 86 percent chance of being the Democratic presidential nominee, versus a 12.8 percent for Clinton, the New York senator and former first lady.
Results were similar on the Iowa Electronic Markets at the University of Iowa, with traders giving Obama an 82.9 percent chance of winning, versus a 12.8 percent chance for Clinton. More
Michelle Obama Raleigh Speech Video
Watch! only 3 minutes worth though...
An Obama Minute
April 21st, 2008 - 1 pm est
10,000 people x $100 = $1,000,000 in one minute -
An Obama Minute
Registration Begins this Thursday
Michelle Obama Speech in Raleigh
What a fantastic speech last night. Michelle spoke, ever so eloquently, for over an hour with no notes. The crowd at Reynolds was over 5,000 which is the largest crowd when she is speaking solo. They passed out Change We Can Believe In signs to the lucky few to be behind the podium and the crowd above.
There were lots of great ideas, convictions, and even jokes in her speech. Her main point of the speech was the concept of "the bar constantly shifting/moving" in our country. They first said Obama had to win Iowa, he did, then they said it didn't count. Then they said money matters, but changed that as well. Then they said Super Tuesday. The list goes on and every time Barack has exceeded the bar, they move it. She connected this with the average American's life and education. The bar constantly changes and more is expected of us all, which doesn't produce a positive society. A great quote from the evening was "Fear cuts us off from one another" I say she is VERY proud of our country.
She even threw up the wolfpack sign to the crowd! I was ready to vote for Michelle after her speech. I say Obama/Obama 2008. Screw a vice president.
Also, check out who made it on the WRAL News Video! Stacy and I. Maybe it should be Obama/SmithGant 2008. ?
Video HERE (1:10 in)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Obama on American Idol
I don't watch this show but good that all the candidates are doing it.
Idol Gives Back is boasting a huge celebrity guest list for its charity show this year.
“I’d like to say a few words not just as the father of two young girls who are big American Idol fans, but as someone who cares deeply about what tonight’s show is all about,” he says in his taped appearance. “Whether it’s across the street or around the world, Idol Gives Back is proving that when ordinary people come together, they can do extraordinary things. So I want to commend American Idol for the example they’re setting and the work they’re doing. And I hope that everyone who’s watching will make a contribution to Idol Gives Back, and help make this world a more just, more equal and more hopeful place to live.”
I'm Fcuking Obama Video
Hopefully you have seen the originals....if not, look them up.
Troops Endorse Obama / Clinton
ABC News has a great story and video about Troops Endorsing Obama and Clinton (and few for McCain), which considering the troops are supposed to stay out of the political eye is a big surprise.
Barack Obama-sistable - The Making of Video
I posted the original video HERE a while back, now there is a making of video.
Rasmussen Poll - Obama Double Digit Lead Nationally
RASMUSSEN National Poll: Obama 51% Clinton 40%; largest lead...The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows—for the third time in four days--Barack Obama with a double digit lead in the race for the Democratic Presidential Nomination.
Obama now attracts 51% of the vote while Hillary Clinton earns 40%. That’s the lowest total ever recorded for Clinton since the contest became a two-person race. Obama’s support has now been at or above 50% for four straight days. Prior to this stretch, he had reached the 50% level just once in more than a year of daily tracking polls.
Full Daily Poll Results
Generation Obama - The Youth of America Endorse Obama
The Youth of America Endorse Obama
....the young supporters of Mr. Obama, who has captured a majority of under-30 primary voters, seem to be leading in the pestering sweepstakes. They send their parents the latest Obama YouTube videos, blog exhortations and “Tell Your Mama/Vote for Obama!” bumper stickers.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Nas Endorses Obama
"The man's got what it takes"
via Music News -
Nas has given his total support to Barack Obama's tilt at the White House, as he seeks to become America's first black President. The rap superstar says fellow Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton stands no chance in the ongoing political race. Calling Obama the "face of America", Nas insisted: "There's no two ways to look at it, man. The man's got what it takes. He's serious."
The hip hop icon said he'd been dreaming of a black leader like Barack since childhood, in a move he believes could unite the American nation. He said: "So I think now, with Obama having a great chance of winning, I think (with) black and white, there's been something lifted off their shoulders. "It's like, 'This can happen. This can be great.' And it's about time", explained Nas.
Bill Kristol - Republicans expect President Obama
"Republicans expect Barack Obama to be our next president"
Bill Kristol via NY Times - "Apart from accumulating a few frequent flier miles, what do I have to show for my travels? I can report that lots of conservatives and Republicans expect Barack Obama to be our next president."
Obama Finger Puppet
Hayley pointed out this morning about US Political Finger Puppets and I thought I'd just reaffirm it and add a photo. Very fun. Download your own watch the video and get instructions here.
Spike Lee for Obama
In an interview with New York magazine, Spike Lee explained the reasons behind his decision to support Sen. Barack Obama for president over his hometown senator Hillary Clinton.
"The Clintons, man, they would lie on a stack of Bibles," he said of the New York senator and her husband, former president Bill Clinton. "Snipers? That's not misspeaking; that's some pure bulls***. I voted for Clinton twice, but that's over with."
Meanwhile, Obama may have told Lee just "the right thing" to earn the filmmaker's support.
"Barack told me the first date he took Michelle to was 'Do the Right Thing,'" noted Lee, who says he told the Illinois senator, "Thank God I made it. Otherwise you would have taken her to 'Soul Man.' Michelle would have been like, 'What's wrong with this brother?'"
Political Finger Puppets
Do you have as much spare time as I do? Fantastic. I have discovered a new way to channel your passion for politics and your creative genius: Presidential candidate finger puppets! A fun, wholesome activity for the whole family. Political rhetoric not included.
Fold US Candidate
WRAL Poll - Obama Leads By 23 in NC
In the latest WRAL News poll, 56 percent of likely voters said they would give Obama their support in the Democratic primary. Thirty-three percent chose Clinton, and 11 percent were unsure.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Michelle Obama in Raleigh Tuesday
Republicans, Independents and Democrats all agree, Michelle Obama is a great national presence and a fantastic speaker. Although her rally on Tuesday at NC State will be geared towards her husband's presidential bid, it may be your last chance to see this rising heroine speak in Raleigh. And if you aren't registered to vote yet in the May 6th election, Friday is your last day. Click here for more voter registration information. More Information on Michelle
Join Michelle Obama at a rally in Raleigh, NC on Tuesday, April 8th.
The event will be free and open to the public.
Reynolds Coliseum
North Carolina State University
2411 Dunn Ave.
Raleigh, NC 27695
Tuesday, April 8th, 2008
Doors open: 6:30 p.m.
Program begins: 7:30 p.m.
The event is free and open to the public; however, seating is limited and tickets are required. Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
RSVP online now: BarackObama.com
For security reasons, do not bring bags. Please limit personal items. No signs or banners permitted.