The NY Times has a write-up today about the new seal that appeared in front of Obama today at the Democratic Governor's meeting today.
"It is emblazoned with a fierce-looking eagle clutching an olive branch in one claw and arrows in the other and is deliberately reminiscent of the official seal of the president of the United States....Just above the eagle’s head are the words “Vero Possumus,” roughly translated “Yes we can.” Not exactly E Pluribus Unum (Out of Many, One), the motto on the presidential seal and the dollar bill. Then again, Mr. Obama is not the president."
Friday, June 20, 2008
Obama's New Great Seal
Obama and Clinton to Campaign Together
It looks like we'll have the Obama-Clinton show starting next Friday.
Yes You Can - Obama for Kia?
Well, not exactly. But this is a copycat ad in Piano, Texas attempting to sell Kias to the masses. Permeating slowly and deeper....The video below works although it looks like it doesn't. Second video is The Daily Show's take...
Decemberists Drummer Discusses Obama
"Then he came out totally not sweaty or tired-looking at all and shook all our hands, and it was really great. He's the real deal."
Decemberists Drummer John Moen discusses Obama over at Pitchfork.
Pitchfork: Was it cool to meet Obama?
JM: It was really cool to meet him. He's a super composed guy. He basically got done talking to 70,000 people, delivering a great speech, and walked off the platform and into a tent to the side of the stage. Our handler told me he was addressing 15,000 teamsters by satellite or something. We could hear him talking outside the tent, and he was just kind of going for it. It was amazing. Then he came out totally not sweaty or tired-looking at all and shook all our hands, and it was really great. He's the real deal.
Pitchfork: So his persona is as genuine in person as it seems to be in speeches and on TV?
JM: Absolutely. I mean, I only said, like, a sentence to him, thanked him for his work or whatever. I was probably a little starstruck. The guy who was helping us out at that event said that he's as great all the time as you would hope. That guy had worked for Clinton and Kerry, set up those types of events in a lot of different places. He was really impressed with [Obama's] realness.
More Photos from the Obama Portland Rally HERE
Rick Ross Gives Shout Out to Obama Video
Rapper Rick Ross discussing clothing and how Obama needs to be serviced on the road..."You Still Get My Vote!"
Obama to join Democratic Governors for Economic Discussion Today reports that Obama will join NJ gov Corzine and other Democratic governors for a meet and greet and economic rountable today in Chicago this morning.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Ray Noland Go Tell Mama Interview Video
As previously mentioned more on Ray Noland, creator of The Go Tell Mama art show. This interview was filmed in Portland, OR.
Go Tell Mama! Obama as muse |
Go Tell Mama Show Portland Video
I forgot to add this video while we were in Portland of the Go Tell Mama The Officially Unofficial Obama art show opening. I was able to have a nice chat with Ray in Raleigh as well as in Portland. He told me all about his Harlem Globetrotter problems... Here is more about the Raleigh show.
Obama Button Vendor Apologizes
Remember this button? Well, it looks like the vendor who was selling it at the Texas Republican Party convention in Houston has now apologized.
“It’s just been crazy,” said Jonathan Alcox, who runs and had buttons and other items for sale at the GOP gathering. “The point is we made a mistake. I realize that now. And I apologize.”
The Republican Party of Texas announced today that it will donate to charity the $1,500 it received for leasing the booth to Mr. Alcox
This comes on the heels of the Sock Monkey Apology and possible retraction. I guess race is a big issue in this presidential....race?
American Idol Jennifer Hudson - Obama Call Me!
Jennifer Hudson is waiting for a call from Obama.
"I sang for Obama after I did Idol," Hudson says. "I'm so proud and excited for him. I haven't gotten a call from them yet, but he does have my support."
Michelle Obama Donna Ricco Dress Sold Out
Ben Smith notes that this dress that Michelle Obama wore yesterday on The View (fist bumps all around) is now sold out on their website.
One day later...phenomenal!
Michael Stipe for NC Obama
What's the Frequency Obama?
Looks like R.E.M. singer Michael Stipe is the NC Obama train. See here for my review of the Raleigh R.E.M. show.
(I was misinformed and as a reader suggested *thanks*, Lyle Lovett is not the guy on the left....I should have known, considering I saw him live years ago when he was in a cast...nevertheless, it is Michael Stipe!)
Obama Bike Spoke Cards
Young America has two fixations (no pun intended) right now.
1. Barack Obama for President
2. Fixed Gear Bikes
Now you can get both in one place...yes, now available for $1.00 each, you can order your own Obama Spoke Cards for your bike (I just ordered 10). All proceeds go back into making more spoke cards. The Obama spoke cards feature the stencil art of Margaret Coble and are available for sale HERE. Or for orders of more than 10, send an email to
Obama Art - The Good, Bad and Ugly
Everyone seems to want to get into the trend of Obama art in the 2008 campaign. Here are some examples that range from (mostly) fantastic to barely mentionable (Mear One).
Ron English's Obama Lincoln Poster
Willamette Weekly Endorse Obama
Mear One's BAD Obama Poster
Go Tell Mama's Fantastic array of Posters
Shepard Fairey's iconic poster
A very bizarre Obama poster
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
US Weekly - Obama Just Like Us Slideshow
Look, Obama is just like us guys....he rides bikes and eats hot sauce!This new slideshow on US Weekly is too funny..
He Plays with Babies! He Picks Up Groceries!
Obama attends Russert Funeral
Huffington Post reports that the presumptive nominees attended the funeral for Tim Russert today. Here's the mighty O looking appropriately stern.
Slate Pro-Obama Rumors
Christopher Beam over at Slate has compiled a list of Pro-Obama Rumors called The Truth About Barack Obama.
"Rather than restate untruths about Obama, the campaign would do better to start some rumors of its own. Here's a template e-mail the Obama campaign might consider disseminating."
Here are some of my favorite -
• Barack Obama wears a FLAG PIN at all times. Even in the shower.
• There's only one artist on Barack Obama's iPod: FRANCIS SCOTT KEY.
• Barack Obama says that Americans cling to GUNS and RELIGION because they are AWESOME.
• Every weekend, Barack and Michelle take their daughters HUNTING.
too funny...full list here
Michelle Obama Fist Bump The View Video
Here a fist bump, There a fist bump, everywhere a fist bump. Even on The View with Michelle Obama.
"I have to be greeted properly. Fist bump please."
more videos of Michelle on The View HERE
Obama Facebook - 1 Million Supporters
Last night, the Obama Campaign posted a message at 10:36pm stating that they had reached a milestone, 1 milllion supporters on the social networking site Facebook.
Are you a supporter of Obama on Facebook? If not click here and sign up.
What's next?
Larry Sinclair's Long Rap Sheet
Ben Smith at Politico has a great write up today about Larry Sinclair, the Obama Gay Sex/Drug Accuser, and his long history on the wrong side of the law.
Muslims Put Out of Obama Photo-Op
Come on Obama (and campaign staff and volunteers), you have to be better than this.
Campaign apologizes.
(photo via Drudge)
Obama Sock Monkey Countdown Worst Persons
As mentioned below...
Obama Sock Monkey Apology or Not?
No, not from me, as many readers suggested, but from the company that was originally making the Obama Sock Monkey. I mentioned in a recent post that I thought it might seem a bit racist for a sock monkey to be made out of Obama. I asked readers to contact the company and many did. Many people stated that they wanted one and others thought that the monkey comparison was a bit too much for many.
This story hit the main stream press after I posted links to the sock monkey. I wasn't the first but one of many links to this site, I'm sure, attempting to get this company to pull their monkey. A week later, they have. They have posted an "apol0gy" on their website stating "We are very apologetic to all who were upset by our toy idea. We will not be proceeding with the manufacturing of this toy. Thank you. GD"
Looks like they have issued a new statement saying that there are new oppotunities and they may still sell the sock monkey.... Personally, I'm past whether you should sell this or not but hell, make up your mind guys.
They even made Countdown's Worst Person's list -
Obama Change is Gonna Come Video
A slideshow of Obama's life with Sam Cooke's song - A Change Gonna Come
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Yes We Can Wins Emmy Award
Barack Obama already won a spoken word Grammy for his book The Audacity of Hope, now it looks like he'll have an Emmy to add to his accomplishments. Oh wait, that was that got the Emmy...but shouldn't Barack get one as well? He is speaking through most of the video....right?
"New Approaches in Daytime Entertainment” - What is this category? And what else was nominated?
Anti Obama White House Button For Sale by GOP
On Sale at the Republican Convention in Dallas.
"If Obama is President will we still call it the White House."
Al Gore Endorses Obama Youtube Video
Watch Al Gore endorse and introduce Obama at a rally in Michigan on June 16, 2008.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Obama Defends Bike Fashion Faux Pas
Did I do that?
Remember when Barack Obama went for a joy ride around Chicago's Lake Shore Drive on his Trek bike last week? If not, here's a reminder. Just afterwards, all the fashion magazines and blogs put their red siren to work, calling Obama's biking outfit, the biggest Fashion Faux-Pas of the year.
As expected, Obama has come back "in style" (?) and responded to this allegation (or smear?...hehe).
via US Magazine
"I got a hard time from all sorts of blogs who said I looked like Urkel," he told supporters at a fundraiser in his Chicago Thursday.
The senator admitted he had an "internal debate" before putting on his bike helmet.
"I knew that the A.P. was going to take a picture, and they were trying to portray it like [Mike Dukakis] wearing that tank helmet," he explained.
"But I wanted to make sure that the children who saw that picture knew that even the Democratic nominee for president wears a helmet when he goes biking,"
Barbra Streisand Endorses Obama
After initially supporting Hillary Clinton, Barbra Streisand has confirmed her support for Barack Obama.
Top 10 Obama Campaign Promises - Letterman Video
An oldie but goodie. Obama on Letterman in January.
10. To keep the budget balanced, I’ll rent the "situation room" for sweet sixteens.
9. I will double your tax money at the craps table.
8. Appoint Mitt Romney secretary of lookin’ good.
7. If you bring a gator to the White House, I’ll wrassle it.
6. I’ll put Regis on the nickel.
5. I’ll rename the tenth month of the year “Barack-tober.”
4. I won’t let Apple release the new and improved Ipod the day after you bought the previous model.
3. I’ll find money in the budget to buy Letterman a decent hairpiece.
2. Pronounce the word nuclear, nuclear.
1. Three words: Vice President Oprah.
Al Gore Endorses Obama
From Al Gore's blog -
My endorsement June 16, 2008 : 2:51 PMA few hours from now I will step on stage in Detroit, Michigan to announce my support for Senator Barack Obama. From now through Election Day, I intend to do whatever I can to make sure he is elected President of the United States.
Over the next four years, we are going to face many difficult challenges -- including bringing our troops home from Iraq, fixing our economy, and solving the climate crisis. Barack Obama is clearly the candidate best able to solve these problems and bring change to America.
I've never asked members of to contribute to a political campaign before, but this moment and this election are too important to let pass without taking action.
That's why I am asking you to join me today in showing your support for Barack Obama by making a contribution to his campaign today:
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Yes We Can Obama Campaign Cola
Campaign Cola. Particularly, Yes We Can Cola. More web gimmicks to make money off of the candidates names. But, Obama is winning 3 to 1 on Hillary and McCain. A precursor to November? Let's hope so. Oh, and thought it was funny to file this under "pop" culture.
Buy yours here.
Barack Brings the End of Bling?
There is a great article on Huffington Post about the possible end to the Bling phenomenon. Bling culture has slowly been going the way of the 8-trak (thankfully) but Barack could bring an end to bling.
photo from this blog
Obama Sock Monkey Video
As mentioned last week, there is a new Obama Sock Monkey toy that is being sold. I first stated that it was a bit racist and while I don't think it is 100% racism, I do feel that it is not needed in our culture. Nevertheless, it has made national news over the weekend and here is just one of the reports coming from the networks.