Friday, April 18, 2008

Screw the Flag Pin, Get Obama a Constitution Pin


Spread the Philosophy of Liberty
Celebrate the Universal Principles

Half of America is bitching and screaming about Obama not wearing a flag pin. Well, the moderators of the debate that gave him a hard time didn't either. This is a non-issue and The Only Redhead in Taiwan has the right attitude.

"Someone out there in the US, reading this blog, please buy Barack Obama this US Constitution lapel pin. Or any other one you can find. I'm not joking. I wish I were.

Buy it, and send it to Sen. Obama's headquarters."

Raleigh Town Hall 360 Degree Video

Obama Raleigh How Can I Be President? Question

This was a nice moment yesterday.

Obama on Colbert Report Video

Put Political Distractions ON NOTICE!

Obama JayZ Brush Off Shoulder Video Mashup

It was only time before something like this showed up.
Here is the original

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Obama Raleigh Speech

What a fantastic opportunity to see Michelle Obama one week and Barack Obama only eight days later, both in Raleigh, both off of Hillsbrough Street. Both are amazingly well spoken and are even more convincing in person. Charisma is key! As are issues, which Obama consistently hit on with today's Town Hall Meeting in Raleigh.

(click on images for larger versions)

Long Enough....
Outside the line looked liked this.

Smiley Face!

Obama looked like this when he walked in.


Everyone's cameras looked like this.


Obama looked like this whilst drinking water.

That's US!
Stacy and I almost looked like this.

What Me Worry?
Obama brushed off his shoulder like this.

What a memorable week!
Play by Play Blog HERE
Full speech video HERE
More Photos HERE

Soulja Boy YAHHHH!!! Charles Gibson Debate Video


Obama Raleigh Brush Off the Shoulder Video

You Gotta Do it!!!

Baracky - The Movie

Poll of Polls - Obama Extends National Lead

CNN - "Barack Obama has extended his lead in national polls over Hillary Clinton, despite several days of negative coverage over his controversial comments about some small-town Americans.

According to a new CNN analysis of several recent polls, the Illinois senator now holds a 9-point lead over Clinton, 50 percent to 41 percent. That compares to the 3-point margin Obama held over Clinton at the end of March.

The so-called "poll of polls" includes surveys conducted between April 7-15 — meaning four of the days were those that immediately followed the initial reports of Obama's now-famous comments.

The polls included in the analysis were those conducted by Gallup, ABC/Washington Post, Reuters/Zogby, and AP/Ipsos."

Obama and Clinton Tied in Pennsylvania Poll

Raleigh Chronicle - According to a North Carolina polling firm, a recent poll shows Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in a statistical dead heat in Pennsylvania.

"This race could go either way depending on how the campaign unfolds over the last week," says Public Policy Polling (PPP), a Raleigh polling firm about the race in the Keystone State.

PDF of Poll Info

Drudge Report Debate Poll - Who Won?

At midnight EST, there have been almost 50,000 votes cast on The Drudge Report as to who won tonight's debate in Pennsylvania. It looks like Obama will take it by a mile. Vote HERE



38% 18,634

62% 29,807

Total Votes: 48,441

Barack Obama 2007 Tax Return Record

Why do we pass around Tax Reports like they are chain emails?

The Gothamist has a detailed look (thanks Watson) at the 2007 Tax Return Michelle and Barack Obama. It looks like over 3/4 of the $4 Million they made was from royalties from the two books Barack has written. Hell, I spent over $50 alone on the books in the past year. As mentioned on the site, it's much lower than the Clintons and for 3/4 of your salary to be on books, hell I don't think there is much wrong with that. The words are obviously influential, which considering Barack's past, it's very parallel to his charity work and similar ventures rather than Lawyer income or something unethical. Isn't there an Ethics chapter in Audacity. What a great thing to make money on...talking about issues like Race, Politics, Ethics, Economy and Hope in America's Future.

See more HERE including Charity donations and that bad thing that Michelle did to support a company that supports Walmart (aka trying to find something bad in the report)

Yahoo has a full write up as well HERE.

Here is even a PDF of their 2007 report.

Now go snoop!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Obama Baby Video on YouBama

YouBama Videos has some good ones (thanks Sam), I'm gonna have to start digging into their collection. This is one of the better ones so far. This baby just can't get enough of Obama.

Say Hillary!

16 Reasons Obama Has Weather the Bitter/Cling Controversy

1. There has been no collapse of Obama’s Pennsylvania poll numbers.

2. There has been no collapse of Obama’s national poll numbers.

3. There has been no rush of superdelegates to Clinton (quite the contrary).

Mark Halperin at Time has the entire list

2 NC Super Delegate Endorsements for Obama

U.S. Reps. David Price & Mel Watt will endorse Barack Obama.

The two Democratic superdelegates are slated to announce that they are backing Obama in a conference call at 1:15 this afternoon, Dome has learned.

In recent weeks, both had said they would make an endorsement before the state's May 6 primary, but they had kept their preference private.

Full Story at News and Observer

Obama Leads in Indiana Poll, Closes in Penn

The poll found Clinton leading Obama 46% to 41% in Pennsylvania -- a far cry from the double-digit margins she held in earlier polls.

In Indiana, where little polling has occurred, previous surveys gave Clinton the edge. The Times/Bloomberg poll put Obama ahead, 40% to 35%.

Poll Here

Matrix Obama - Maybe He's the One?

Sorry Neo, You have some competition.

Obama Wears Flag Pin, Blogs Go Crazy


Are you satisfied guys? Obama has put an American Flag Lapel Pin back on his jacket. Maybe he and Michelle are Patriotic after all...geezz....
"Breaking News"

Obama at Women's Little 500, Bloomington Indiana

My friends John and Amanda in Brooklyn sent this image to me of Obama at the Little 500. Great photo.


Michelle Obama Colbert Report Video

Obama on Charlie Rose Video

Bruce Springsteen Endorses Obama


Bruce's endorsement starts like this -

Dear Friends and Fans:

Like most of you, I've been following the campaign and I have now seen and heard enough to know where I stand. Senator Obama, in my view, is head and shoulders above the rest.

He has the depth, the reflectiveness, and the resilience to be our next President. He speaks to the America I've envisioned in my music for the past 35 years, a generous nation with a citizenry willing to tackle nuanced and complex problems, a country that's interested in its collective destiny and in the potential of its gathered spirit. A place where "...nobody crowds you, and nobody goes it alone."

Full Endorsement Letter

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Obama Leads Gallup Poll 51-40

The past week, Obama has started to soar in ratings on the Gallup Poll of national Democratic and Democratic leaning voters. It also looks like he and Clinton both are ahead of McCain. Full Polls HERE

Obama To Visit Raleigh and Greenville NC Thursday

Thursday, April 17

The Kerr Scott Building
1025 Blue Ridge Road
Raleigh, NC

Pre-Set: 8:00-9:00 AM (Equipment must be dropped at the site by 9:00AM; media will not have access to their equipment from 9:00AM to 11:00AM)

Media Access: 11:00 AM
Doors Open: 12:30 PM

Barack Obama’s North Carolina campaign today announced the details of Senator Obama’s visit to Raleigh on Thursday.

Senator Obama will host a town hall meeting focusing on the economy and his commitment to investing in middle class families. The event will build on tonight’s statewide North Carolina Economic Forum – during which undecided voters will be able to read and discuss Senator Obama’s Economic Blueprint for North Carolina at one of 47 house parties and other events in communities across the state.

To read or download a copy of Senator Obama’s Economic Blueprint for North Carolina, visit

The event is free and open to the public, but tickets are required. See details of ticket distribution locations and times below.

Following the town hall in Raleigh, Obama will host a rally in Greenville Thursday afternoon.

For more information please call 919-828-0080.

Ticket Distribution Location

Obama for America Raleigh Headquarters
130 E. Morgan St. Raleigh, NC
Wednesday, April 16



150,000 North Carolina Voters Register Since January

North Carolina Could be a LANDSLIDE!!!!

"The Obama phenomenon has increased voter registration -- particularly among African-Americans on the Democratic side -- but also attracted many unaffiliated [voters]," said Peace College political professor David McLennan, who wonders "Will [those voters] come out in November? Will they come out in May?"

Nearly 150,000 new voters have registered since January 1.

Comparing current numbers to May 2004:

• Unaffiliated voters are up 34.9 percent.
• Republicans are up 10.5 percent.
• Democrats are up 7.5 percent.
• Overall registration is up 13.2 percent.

The new numbers come after Friday's deadline to register to vote on May 6: North Carolina’s primary date. Of that, 90 percent are either Democrats or unaffiliated. The state’s growing role in the Democratic presidential primary is driving people – a larger percentage of which are young voters – to register.

Despite those numbers Democrats still outnumber Republicans in North Carolina by more than 650,000 people -- but the state hasn't voted a Democratic presidential candidate into office since Jimmy Carter in 1976. News 14 Article

Obama Overview Video

This is a great overview video of Obama, his history and beliefs.

Barack the Vote Asheville - Orange Peel

Barack The Vote Asheville
feat. Bela Fleck & Arrested Development
The Orange Peel
Thursday, April 17th
8:00 PM (7:00 PM doors)

Tickets were only $5.00 and the show is SOLD OUT, but it should be a good one and come back on Friday or this weekend for a live recap and photos!

Pittsburgh Steelers Owner Endorses Obama

Speaking of Iron Curtain!!

via Talking Points Memo -

Dan Rooney is an institution in Western Pennsylvania and understands the people and the region better than almost anyone. When he says that Barack Obama is one of us, it sends a very powerful and meaningful message to a lot of people.

It needs to be said that this endorsement could be a big deal in western Pennsylvania, among the sort of voters that comprise Hillary's base. Obama spokesperson Sean Smith emails over the following.

Dan Rooney's Full Letter HERE

Video - Colbert Obama Comments on Larry King Live

Stephen Colbert was on Larry King Live last night with some funny Obama Comments. Part 1-4 Videos Below.

"Going to church with Obama would be torture."

"He's an inspiring candidate. And he's got the young people out there just eating out of the palm of his hand. He's passing his hope bong around the drum circle of young America. [His what?] His hope bong, Larry. He's inviting people to take deep tokes off of his bong packed with hope."

BET Charlotte Bobcats Owner Obama Race Comment

Bob Johnson is a Clinton Supporter.

Charlotte Observer

"Wading back into the Democratic presidential race, billionaire businessman Bob Johnson said Monday that Sen. Barack Obama would not be his party's leading candidate if he were white.

Johnson's comments to the Observer echoed those of former vice presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro. She stepped down as an adviser to Sen. Hillary Clinton last month after saying Obama wouldn't be where he is if he were white."

"I don't think he has that common -- what I call `I-want-to-go-out-and-have-a-drink-with-you -- touch," Johnson said.

Full Article

Obama Video Podcast About Global Warming

Obama Woman's Right to Choose Speech Video

Michelle Obama on Colbert Tonight Tuesday

HuffPost - "Michelle Obama will make her first late-night television appearance this Tuesday. Mrs. Obama, "direct and plain-spoken, with an edgy sense of humor uncommon in a political spouse," according to a recent Newsweek profile, will go head to head with another direct-talker, Stephen Colbert.

Obama's appearance is in conjuction with The Colbert Report's weeklong coverage from Pennsylania before next Tuesday's primary."

Obama Would Immediately Review Bush Crimes

via - "Tonight I had an opportunity to ask Barack Obama a question that is on the minds of many Americans, yet rarely rises to the surface in the great ruckus of the 2008 presidential race -- and that is whether an Obama administration would seek to prosecute officials of a former Bush administration on the revelations that they greenlighted torture, or for other potential crimes that took place in the White House.

Obama said that as president he would indeed ask his new Attorney General and his deputies to "immediately review the information that's already there" and determine if an inquiry is warranted -- but he also tread carefully on the issue, in line with his reputation for seeking to bridge the partisan divide. He worried that such a probe could be spun as "a partisan witch hunt." However, he said that equation changes if there was willful criminality, because "nobody is above the law."" Full Article

Monday, April 14, 2008

Obama on American Idol Gives Back Video

Obama American Idol Video Spoof

This is silly....could be much funnier.

Obama Patraeus Saturday Night Live (SNL) Video

Saturday Night Live (SNL) Cold Open: Petraeus Hearings
General Petraeus testifies before Senators Clinton, McCain and Obama

AP Chair Obama Osama Mixup

Drudge Report Developing....


Mon APR 14 2007 14:53:11 ET

Exchange between Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill) and William Dean Singleton, chairman of the board of the ASSOCIATED PRESS at the AP annual meeting in Washington DC:

Singleton: Obama bin Laden is still at large.

Obama: I think that was Osama bin Laden. (audience laughter, delayed applause)

Singleton: If I did that, I'm so sorry.

Obama: No, no, no. this is part of the exercise that I've been going through over the last 15 months, which is why it's pretty impressive that I'm still standing. (applause)

# # #


Pennsylvania Paper The Morning Call Endorses Obama

Ahead of next week's election, The Morning Call has endorsed Obama. This is big.

Obama's vision is reason to nominate him

April 13, 2008

Pennsylvania's Democratic voters on April 22 will choose between two candidates in the presidential primary. Both are qualified to become the nation's chief executive. They have more similarities than differences. But, The Morning Call recommends that Sen. Barack Obama be nominated, and we offer three reasons.

The first is the quality of his campaign. It has surprised the experts by moving him close to the finish line against bigger, more established political machines and it has communicated his basic ideas well.

The second is his message of hope and change. It conveys a vision of the nation's future that is in tune with the tenor and consensus of most Americans.

Full Endorsement Here

The Barackwurst Hot Dog at Franctuary NYC Video

Two Sausages together to Support One!

In the spirit of the Pennsylvania primary season, Franktuary, a NY style hot dog restaurant in downtown Pittsburgh, created two meals based on the candidates.

This is the story of the Barackwurst.

It's Obama, stupid: Carter and Gore to end Clinton bid

Let's Hope this is true!

DEMOCRAT grandees Jimmy Carter and Al Gore are being lined-up to deliver the coup de grâce to Hillary Clinton and end her campaign to become president.
Falling poll numbers and a string of high-profile blunders have convinced party elders that she must now bow out of the primary race.

Former president Carter and former vice-president Gore have already held high-level discussions about delivering the message that she must stand down for the good of the Democrats.

Full Article

Obama Fights Back Video on Small Town Comments

Obama Three Stooges Spoof

Obama Widens North Carolina Lead on Clinton

Obama Widens Lead on Clinton
Both Democrats Trail McCain in General Election Matchup

Raleigh, N.C. – The Civitas Institute’s April DecisionMaker shows Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) leading Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) 45-27 in the Democratic primary for President. 28 percent of those polled were undecided.

“Unless Hillary Clinton can do something dramatic in the next few weeks to change voter sentiment, it appears that Sen. Obama is on his way to winning North Carolina quite handily,” stated Civitas Institute Executive Director Francis DeLuca. “A victory next Tuesday in Pennsylvania seems to be Sen. Clinton’s only hope of saving her campaign for President,” DeLuca added.

Looking forward to a potential General election matchup, presumptive Republican Presidential nominee Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) leads both Democratic counterparts by sizeable margins. McCain leads Obama 48-39 and leads Clinton 50-37.

“Despite the hundreds of thousands of dollars in television advertising and multiple personal appearances in the state by Senator Obama, Senator Clinton and their respective surrogates in the past month, neither candidate has been able to cut into Senator McCain’s lead,” DeLuca noted. Civitas’ February DecisionMaker poll showed Sen. McCain leading Senators Obama and Clinton by 46-36 and 48-36 percent margins, respectively.

“The assumption that Sen. Obama would put North Carolina in play for the Democrats in November does not seem to be holding true at this time,” DeLuca added.

The study of 800 registered voters was conducted April 9-10 by TelOpinion Research of Arlington, Virginia. All respondents were part of a fully representative sample of registered voters in North Carolina. For purposes of this study, voters we interviewed had to have voted in either the 2002, 2004 or 2006 general election or were newly registered voters since 2006. The voters were interviewed using live callers.

The confidence interval associated with a sample of this size is such that: 95% of the time, results from 800 interviews (registered voters) will be within +-3.7% of the “True Values.” “True Values” refer to the results obtained if were possible to interview every person in North Carolina who had voted in either the 2002, 2004 or 2006 general elections or were newly registered voters since 2006.