David Plouffe's statement:
“Senator Obama firmly believes that the Michigan delegation should be seated in Denver. A 50/50 split of the delegates is an eminently fair solution, especially since originally Senator Clinton herself said the Michigan primary wouldn't 'count for anything.' It's now up to the Clinton campaign: they can agree to a fair resolution or they can continue trying to score political points and change the rules. It's time to move forward. Senator Clinton should accept an equitable solution that allows Michigan to participate fully in the convention."
Talking Points Memo has more
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Obama Wants 50-50 Split on Michigan Vote
Obama Vice President - George Clooney?
via BuzzFlash
If Obama is running a truly different kind of campaign, looking for a truly different kind of leadership, he needs to pick a vice president that sets that tone.
George Clooney
I'll give you time for the laughter to set in.
There are a few practical reasons why not. He's an actor, has never run for political office, and is a bachelor. There was a movement to convince Clooney to run against Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Clooney's response: "Run for office? No. I've slept with too many women, I've done too many drugs, and I've been to too many parties."
Women? Not while he was married. Drugs? Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. Parties? Not a disqualifier? more HERE
Obama Webb 2008?
via OTB - I’ve mentioned in passing several times, both here and on OTB Radio, that Jim Webb would be the Democrats’ smartest choice for Vice President, particularly if (as seems exceedingly likely) Barack Obama is their nominee. Alex Massie makes the case in detail. Some excerpts:
Friday, April 4, 2008
Bros Before Hoes Tshirt Causes Problems at Virginia Commonwealth University
The controversies never stop, neither do the idiots making shirts like this.
Gee Sisk was strolling across Virginia Commonwealth University’s campus when she saw the guy selling the T-shirts from hell.
Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton shared smiles on the shirt above a message that read, “Bros Before Hoes.” And no, the shirt was not endorsing Obama over a garden tool.
Sisk approached the vendor to ask about the shirts. “He didn’t understand what they meant,” she said. “He said, ‘It’s making fun of Democrats.’”
“That T-shirt just seemed really off point,” Sisk, still bemused, said from behind the counter of Harrison Street Coffee. “It didn’t seem like it was for Obama or it was against Hillary. . . . It just seemed like a really stupid T-shirt.” Full Article Here
The T-shirt’s message is the offshoot of a slogan that the online Urban Dictionary defines as an unwritten man law: Male buddies should always come before the females you hope to have a relationship with.
Obama Could Buy Bear Stearns
for $240 Million
A reader over at Politico notes: "Obama has raised enough money through fundraising to buy Bear Stearns (at least at the original offer price)."
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Obama's Gotham Typeface Analysis
As a designer myself, I love articles like this. I remember one about Bush/Cheney vs. Kerry/Edwards in Metropolis Magazine 4 years ago. This site was actually graphically designed with Obama's color pallate (white background with blue links) and font in mind...easy on the eye (or so I hope)....unlike other Obama blogs.Many designers have waxed admiringly about Barack Obama’s sophisticated typographical design scheme, particularly the consistent use in much of his graphic material of the typeface Gotham, designed by Tobias Frere-Jones. So I called Brian Collins, an expert on branding, to get his thoughts on what this “good design” means for the candidate.
"But as a result of their approach to design, the Obama campaign really stands out. From the bold “change” signs to their engaging Website to their recognizable lapel pins, they’ve used a single-minded visual strategy to deliver their campaign’s message with greater consistency and, as a result, greater collective impact. The use of typography is the linchpin to the program. Type is language made visible. Senator Obama has been noted for his eloquence, so it’s not surprising that someone so rhetorically gifted would understand how strong typography is and how it helps bring his words — and his campaign’s message — to life."
Full NY Times Article
Obama's Basketball Family Video
"For basketball players, jogging is very boring" TAKE THAT BUSH!
This is a great video sent to me by a friend. Craig Robinson, basketball coach at Brown University - and Barack Obama's brother-in-law - talks about Mr. Obama's game and its impact on his political career. Video Interview with Robinson HERE
Obama's High School Basketball Video HERE
Jimmy Carter to Endorse Obama?
This would be HUGE!
Former President of the United States, Jimmy Carter has hinted that he might cast his vote for Senator Barack Obama to aid his emergence as the candidate for the Democrats in America’s bid to elect a new President.
Carter, who is a Super Delegate from Georgia State, gave this hint at a media interaction after the Carter Center Awards for Guinea Worm Eradication in Abuja yesterday.
Carter, who was accompanied by his wife Rosalynn, did not profess a direct support for Obama but rather choose to make a veiled statement.
“We are very interested in the primaries. Don’t forget that Obama won in my state of Georgia. My town which is home to 625 people is for Obama, my children and their spouses are pro-Obama.
My grandchildren are also pro- Obama. As a Super Delegate, I would not disclose who I am rooting for but I leave you to make that guess," he said.
Teresa Heinz for Obama
Teresa Heinz Kerry joined Michelle Obama at a rally at Carnegie Mellon University today, saying she hoped the state would support Obama the way it had voted for both of her husbands.
article HERE
Jane Fonda endorses Obama
Jane Fonda, the actress and ardent anti-Vietnam war advocate who visited North Vietnam during those hostilities, has endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president. article HERE
"Jane who get's your vote" the papparazi asks. She responds with "Obama" and another guys says "God help us all"
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Dave Freudenthal Wyoming Governor Endorses Obama
Another former Clintonite, after months of soul-searching, is supporting Barack Obama for president instead.
Dave Freudenthal, in his second term as Wyoming governor, got his start in politics when former President Bill Clinton named him US attorney for Wyoming in 1994, a job Freudenthal held until 2001. More....
Obama May Hire Gore
WALLINGFORD, Pa. — Sen. Barack Obama said Wednesday he would give Al Gore, a Nobel prize winner, a major role in an Obama administration to address the problem of global warming.
At a town-hall meeting, Obama was asked if he would tap the former vice president for his Cabinet to handle global warming.
"I would," Obama said. "Not only will I, but I will make a commitment that Al Gore will be at the table and play a central part in us figuring out how we solve this problem. He's somebody I talk to on a regular basis. I'm already consulting with him in terms of these issues, but climate change is real. It is something we have to deal with now, not 10 years from now, not 20 years from now."
Pennsylvania Poll Obama Takes Lead
Barack Obama 45
Hillary Clinton 43
Barack Obama has taken the lead in Pennsylvania, a remarkable turnaround after trailing Hillary Clinton by 26 points in a PPP poll in the state just two and a half weeks ago.
Obama's steep rise could be a reflection of a growing sense among Democratic voters that a continued divisive nomination process will hurt the party's chances of defeating John McCain this fall. An Obama upset in Pennsylvania would be virtually certain to force Clinton out of the race.
Obama has his customary large advantage with black voters (75-17) and is keeping it relatively competitive with white voters (49-38)
He leads across all age groups except senior citizens and balances Clinton's 10 point lead with women with his own 15 point lead with men.
Full results here.
Rupert Murdoch's Daughter Hosts Obama Fundraiser
NYTimes - Insert a new twist to the political parlor game that involves following the moves of Rupert Murdoch and his clan: his daughter, Elisabeth, is hosting at her London home a fund-raiser for Senator Barack Obama.
Ms. Murdoch is one of a slew of “event chairs,” which also includes Gwyneth Paltrow, for the April 28 event at Ms. Murdoch’s home in Notting Hill. David Blood, who runs an investment fund with former Vice President Al Gore that specializes in environmentally-friendly companies, is also listed as an “event host.”
A contribution of $2,300 offers access to the V.I.P. reception; attendance to the main event only requires a $1,000 donation.
9/11 Commission Co-Chair Lee Hamilton to Endorse Obama
INDIANAPOLIS — Former Indiana Rep. Lee Hamilton is backing Sen. Barack Obama in an endorsement that could boost the presidential hopeful's national security standing, The Associated Press has learned.
Hamilton, who during a three-decade House career rose to be chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Intelligence committees, also was vice chairman of the Sept. 11 commission. He planned to announce his endorsement of Obama on Wednesday. MORE
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Texas Delegates go to Obama
AP - Obama picked up seven of nine outstanding delegates, giving him a total of 99 Texas delegates to the party's national convention this summer. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton won the other two, giving her a total of 94 Texas delegates, according to an analysis of returns by The Associated Press.
Alice Walker Endorses Obama Video and Article
The Color Purple author endorses Obama!
Obama is the change that America has tried to hide
Only one candidate offers the radical departure for the 21st century the US needs, for its own sake and the rest of the world's
Full Article HERE
Monday, March 31, 2008
Obama Record Attendance in Pennsylvania
via Daily Kos
Obama spoke for more than an hour before an enthusiastic crowd.
"It's officiallly the largest political rally that Penn STate's ever had in its history," Obama campaign worker Dan Gross announced to volunteers after Obama's speech. "We had a history-making day today."
Obama Bowls
"My economic plan is better than my bowling," Obama told fellow bowlers Saturday evening at the Pleasant Valley Recreation Center. More HERE and HERE
Obama Girl Vs Hillary Girl on Geraldo Rivera
Fox News host Geraldo Rivera featured a Hillary Girl vs. Obama Girl sing off Sunday. Obama Girl, aka Amber Lee Ettinger, appears to have some trouble lip-synching to the recording.